2nd Collection for November 2021

Greater Mankato Diversity Council


The November 2021 Second Collection is for the Greater Mankato Diversity Council (GMDC).

The GMDC was established in 2004 as a non-profit organization to enhance the Mankato area’s commitment to creating an inclusive and welcoming community through diversity education.  Its mission is to provide diversity education as a catalyst for social and economic success.  It accomplishes this through Promoting Respect workshops, multi-cultural activities, diversity events and more.  The GMDC is not an advocate for any particular group or individual.  It serves as a resource to all and emphasizes respecting differences.
More information can be found at: https://www.mankatodiversity.org


Any support you are able to give is greatly appreciated.

Donations for this Second Collection will be accepted throughout November.  Checks can be made out to the UUFM with ‘GMDC’ on the memo line, or donations can be made online by clicking here.


Mission statement: The Second Collection is for social actions that will help others directly or create change through the use of our gifts.  There will be an emphasis on local needs and organizations.
The Education and Justice (EdJ) Coordinating Council thanks you for your donation and for supporting local causes throughout the year.