October 14, 2020 Minister’s Message

Minister’s Message

How are you feeling today? Are you well in your body? In your mind? In your spirit? Are you feeling whole? Some of us may not be feeling great, and it can be challenging to know just why we don’t. I’ve learned that a relaxed mind follows from a relaxed body. And so I encourage you today to check in with your body. Where does it hurt? Do you need to move? Take a stroll, even if just around the house or yard. Are you thirsty? Dehydration is silent and too often unnoticed. Get that extra drink of cool water in. Send some gentle thoughts to your aching hip, aching foot, aching back.

This graphic offers you some other ideas for checking in with and soothing your body. Take a pause, listen to what your body is telling you, as a reminder to yourself that you are precious being of the universe, a life and a life force both ordinary and entirely unique. You deserve, without reservation, to rest, to heal, to dance, to eat, to breathe, to laugh. And remember, today and every day, that you are loved, you are worthy, you are welcome, and you are needed. May you feel it so, and may it be so.
Blessings, Rev. Rita