When Holding Nothing Back is Healing.

Healing has been described in terms of retreating from engagement: going off alone to lick your wounds, rolling up in a blanket, taking a time out. What might it look like if healing ourselves and our world required more intense, more loving, more expansive engagement? Let’s imagine together action that flies and dances and moves toward robust and inclusive relationship and community, holding nothing back. Rev. Rita preaching through the Unitarian Universalist Church of Canandaigua, NY (UUCC). Rev. Rita is pleased and honored to serve since 2018 the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Mankato, MN (UUFM) as its first settled full-time minister.

UUCC served as Rita’s teaching congregation and internship site, and she is honored to worship with the people again. This service will begin at 9:00am Central, and all UUFMers are welcome to participate live. We will find a way to provide the service to those of you who tune in at our regular worship hour of 10:30 Central.


Sunday Worship through the Unitarian Universalist Church of Canandaigua (NY)

9:00 Central


Meeting ID: 953 5571 1085

Join a few minutes early. You will be admitted from a waiting room.

If you think this might be a little too early for you, join our UUFM coffee hour at 10:15, when we will celebrate Halloween with our Costume Parade (slide show!), share Sorrows and Joys, and visit with each other for a time. You can read Rev. Rita’s homily once it’s posted on our webpage.

Join Zoom Video Meeting by clicking https://zoom.us/j/99358411229 ;or by opening your Zoom icon and entering the Meeting ID 993 5841 1229 where it says “Join A Meeting”; or through an audio-only call by dialing on your phone 312-626-6799, then entering the Meeting ID 993 5841 1229, followed by #. The Meeting password is 883666. You will enter a Waiting Room, and a Host will greet you to admit you to the Worship Space.

Soul Matters Monthly Theme: What does it mean to be a community of HEALING?
