December 9, 2020 Minister’s Message

Minister’s Message

Dear Friends,
In this month of stillness, we are invited to think about quieting ourselves and listening for the still, small voice both inside and out. I look forward to having more to say about this idea on Sunday.

And there are other ways to think about what stillness is, what being still can mean. I think of this also as remaining persistent and present, as in “I’m still here.” I am still myself, though all the world around me seems changed and unfamiliar. You are still here, all of you recognizable in your unique gifts and beauty. Our Fellowship is still here, supporting each other and building connection and resilience within our larger community. We are still the people who support our UUA. We are still the people contributing to the coffers of CADA and The Reach, so that those justice workers can minister to the needs that present within their missions. We are still the people who “nurture the earth,” guided by our Green Sanctuary working group. We are still the people who “broaden our minds,” growing increasing awareness of what real inclusion and access means if we are to remain a Welcoming Congregation.

In the spirit of still being who we are, I encourage you, when next you are on Zoom, to add your pronouns to your name. Including your pronouns communicates to any among us that it is safe to be who you are and to name yourself as you feel is right for you. Just like wearing a mask, the gesture is about showing our care for someone else.

May you, friends, remind yourselves that we are still the UUFM, no matter how weird the world gets, as you remember, today and every day, that you are loved, you are worthy, you are welcome, and you are needed. May you feel it so, and may it be so.

Blessings, Rev. Rita (she/her/hers)