Children’s Faith Development Director’s Corner 1/6/2021

Imagining Greater, Gentler Care

“Life is too transient to be cruel with one another;
It is too short for thoughtlessness,
Too brief for hurting.
Life is long enough for caring,
It is lasting enough for sharing,
Precious enough for love.

Be ­gentle with one another.” – Richard S. Gilbert, Gentleness in Living

When reflecting on how the last year has impacted me personally, there have been manageable difficulties. I consider myself fortunate, knowing that major loss and heartache have been themes of the year 2020. I am privileged to say that the last year has taught me how to be gentler and more compassionate with myself through my own personal challenges. I imagine a future where more nurturing presence exists, beginning with ourselves and extending that care to one another.

In a call recently, a friend shared with me that while a medical diagnosis forced her to pause, it also demonstrated the way that her family and friends would show up for her. I, too, felt that kind of care in my inner circle throughout times of distress in the last year. While I recognize that we have a long way to go and that loneliness pervades for many, the moments of support keep me feeling full of hope and gratitude. Our first principle reminds us that everyone is worthy of this kind of care.

This year, I challenge you to imagine what small, simple (or large, collective) acts might help to create a more caring future, and how you might contribute to that care. There will be days when we must care tenderly for ourselves, and there will be possibilities to share that with others. Imagining the healing we need for ourselves may translate to what others are needing, and the care that we observe others needing might remind us of the self-care we long for too. I encourage you to not only treat others the way that you would like to be treated, but to treat yourself as a dear friend, too.

Please know that I am just an email or a phone call away. While I am no longer holding virtual “office hours”, you can reach me on my personal phone at 507-995-7929 or by email at . If I do not answer, I encourage you to send a text or leave a voicemail. Currently, I am available for daytime meetings on Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. I also do have availability most other weekday evenings. I will continue to do my best to serve as a resource to our community, through connecting you to one another and of course, directly. Being a light in the lives of others is as important as ever, and I hope you will stay connected.

Macey Forsyth

Please consider joining our private Facebook group:

UUFM Children’s Faith Development
( This group is intended for families and congregants who are involved in Children’s Faith Development. My approval of new members’ access to the information there is what makes the group a safe space for sharing. I will be sharing our weekly stories as Facebook videos on my personal page publicly and sharing them in the group, as well as short prayers and meditations.

Link to the stories:

Our virtual Stories for All Ages are now available on the UUFM YouTube Channel. At least one new story will be available by Sunday, each week.


Youth Group

Our youth group will be meeting tonight Wednesday, January 6th at 6:30pm, with Barb and Macey. We will be checking-in, reflecting on the past year, imagining the new year, and closing with an activity. As always, more details and Zoom info will be posted to our private Facebook group and sent out via email.


Virtual Children’s Chapel

Our next Children’s Chapel date will be held this Sunday, January 10th at 11:30am. We will explore the January theme of Imagination with Deb and Macey. We will be reading What Will These Hands Make? by Nikki McClure and exploring the theme of imagination. As always, more details and Zoom info will be posted to our private Facebook group and sent out via email.