March 31, 2021 Minister’s Message

I’ve been watching the Chauvin trial. And, I am very tired. Perhaps you are, too. Tired of COVID and preventable deaths. Tired of having to mask and physical distance because, despite more available vaccines, cases of COVID continue to rise. Tired of casual hatred and prejudice which lead to treating some of our siblings as less human. Tired of systemic oppression that leaves siblings of specific identities out of the success and thriving that we call “The American Dream.” Tired of violence and brutality when compassion and justice is much, much better.


And yet, I have to say to myself, “Too bad.” I am tired, and still there is work of many kinds to do. I will allow myself to feel the pain of COVID infections and deaths, because to refuse that feeling will put me outside of relationship with suffering siblings. I will mask and physical distance, even once I am vaccinated, because I will affirm efforts to prevent further spread of and deaths from the disease. I will engage in words and actions to reject hatred, to remain in solidarity with siblings most harmed, so they will feel less alone in the unfair trials of their lives. I will join my hands with those whose hands effect transformation of policies and laws and practices so that life might be equitable and just for all.


I pledge, I commit myself, today anew, to holding pain and ignoring inconvenience and managing my own discomfort and working for justice. The world needs my care and my dedication. It needs my engagement for life and liveliness to prevail at a time that feels deadening and repetitive. The world needs your care and dedication as well. It needs our commitment. And thank goodness none of us is alone. Held in community, we can each be tired and we can each be lifted and sustained. May you feel held as you re-commit to the work for which our world cries out, as you remember as well that you are loved, you are worthy, you are welcome, and you are needed. May you feel it so, and may it be so.


Blessings, Rev. Rita