May 19, 2021 Minister’s Message

Dear Friends,

Though times remain uncertain, as a religious community, we have much to celebrate. We are all still here! And new folks have joined us, making “us” always more than we already are. Most of us found a way to adapt to Zoom, though others are contentedly (or impatiently, as the case may be!) waiting it out. We have stayed in communication, even with those who prefer not or aren’t able to access Zoom. Our annual pledge drive is a great success, with new donors and a willingness to increase contributions.

All of this tells a beautiful story: The Fellowship has value in our lives. Our relationship reminds us of what we find valuable, and our relationship creates value. Is everything perfect? How could it be, when everything we do and touch, we do and touch as beautifully imperfect creatures doing the best we can.

This Sunday we will celebrate—our persistence, our accomplishments, our high school and college seniors, our willingness to ever again take the leaps of faith that define the past and present of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Mankato. We will celebrate in worship. We will celebrate during our Annual Meeting, as voting members elect leaders and as leaders gather the wisdom of our community so we may together plot the future.

And we can celebrate later in the evening, as seekers and makers of justice, by participation in an Interfaith Prayer Vigil (details in another part of the Weekly). I have been asked to lead the opening prayer. We have much to celebrate, and celebration has most meaning when we do it in community. May the building of our community continue to sustain us, as you remember, today and every day, that you are loved, you are worthy, we are welcome, and you are needed.

May you feel it so, and may it be so.

Blessings, Rev. Rita