2nd Collection for September 2021

Connections Shelter

The first Second Collection of the 2021/22 year at the UUFM is for Connections Shelter.  Formerly a rotating shelter among area churches, Connections now leases permanent space in the First Presbyterian Church in downtown Mankato.  This is an overnight, low-barrier emergency shelter that houses individuals, couples and families and provides a safe space, case management, nightly meal and community for its guests.  With the move to the permanent space, they were able to expand to a 35-bed capacity.

The shelter opens for the season October 4th and their biggest need at this time is financial support.  It costs about $25 per day per person to keep the shelter functioning at the level that best meets the needs of their guests.  Connections is also working on building capacity to become a year-round emergency shelter, so any support you are able to give is greatly appreciated.

More information and volunteer opportunities can be found at: connectionsshelter.org


Donations for this Second Collection will be accepted throughout September.  Checks can be made out to the UUFM with ‘Connections’ on the memo line, or donations can be made online by clicking here.


The Education and Justice (EdJ) Coordinating Council thanks you for your donation and for supporting local causes throughout the year.