October 13, 2021 Minister’s Message

Dear friends,

Monday, October 11 was National Coming Out Day, a time of celebration and of proclaiming out loud for our LGBT and Queer siblings. So glad that those of you out and coming out feel safe enough and loved enough (including by yourself) to be your full authentic selves. I celebrate you, and I celebrate with you.

*And not everyone is safe enough or loved enough (including by themselves) to be out or to come out, and I am with you at this time as well. For those who can’t be out in all places, for those who do not come out because they fear for their safety, for those who are out in some of their identities but not in all of them, for those who came out but whose identity is different now, for those who did not have to formally come out, for those who have had to come out over and again, for those who are still figuring out how to name their identity, for those who had a tragic coming out, for those who don’t feel the need to come out, for those still in the process of coming out, and for those who question coming out. Coming out and being out is good and a cause for celebration, if that feels right for you. And it is other things, too. You don’t all have to be in the same place to be whole in who you are.

Peace and love for all of you, all genders and all sexualities, as you remember, today and every day, that you are loved, you are worthy, you are welcome, and you are needed. May you feel it so, and may it be so.

Blessings, Rev. Rita


*Words from Briana Vieira “Queer Sex Therapy”