CFD Director’s Corner 10.20.21

“Stories can save us. Stories enable us to see others as worthy of love, and therefore worth fighting for. Everyone has a story. Which story have you yet to tell? Whose story have you yet to hear?
– Valarie Kaur

Recently, in both Children’s Chapel and Youth Group, we explored the theme of Cultivating Relationship through some questions from a card game called Story Stitch ( – a gift from Deb Fitzloff). Facilitating sessions with children and youth really reminds me of the power of thoughtful questions, the kinds that provoke meaningful stories. When we ask questions that invite more than a simple yes, no, or other one-word answer, we are engaging others’ minds and focusing our attention.

I am frequently in awe of the insight and mindfulness of our future generations. We have some amazing young people in our presence, and I highly suggest connecting with them in thoughtful and supportive ways. When we come together in community to lift one another up and listen deeply, we learn, grow, and even thrive. The stories of our community are both universal and unique and witnessing them is a sacred opportunity.

I wholeheartedly appreciate the sharing that happens in our small groups and hope that our time feels welcoming, open, and inspiring. I pray that all that is significant that comes up in the hearts of our young people feels safe for them to share. May we provide a healthy balance of having fun and deepening conversation. Let us all know that our stories are important and that we are worthy of love.

…I am here for you, just an email or a phone call away. I am currently holding office hours in-person at UUFM on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10am-2pm. I will continue to do my best to serve as a resource to our community, through connecting you to one another and of course, directly. Being a light in the lives of others is as important as ever, and I hope you will stay connected.


Macey Forsyth


Please consider joining our private Facebook group: UUFM Children’s Faith Development ( This group is intended for families and congregants who are involved in Children’s Faith Development. My approval of new members’ access to the information there is what makes the group a safe space for sharing. I will be sharing our weekly stories as Facebook videos on my personal page publicly and sharing them in the group, as well as short prayers and meditations.


Link to the stories: Our virtual Stories for All Ages are now available on the UUFM YouTube Channel. At least one new story will be available by Sunday, each week.

Upcoming dates…

Children’s Chapel:

Children’s Chapel over Zoom
Sunday, October 24th, 11:30am-12:30pm


Children and Youth Outdoor Halloween Party
Sunday October, 31st from 1-3pm