Dear UUFM Congregation,
In consultation between Board and Minister, leadership has decided to close the Fellowship building to in-person worship and to Children’s Chapel for the next three weeks. We anticipate being in-person again on February 13 and will assess the situation as it develops.
At in-person worship on Sunday, January 16, we had exposure to someone who learned today they were positive for Covid. All the people who were in worship have been notified so they can monitor their health, and the Fellowship will provide resources as necessary.
The Mid-Year meeting will still be held on Sunday, January 23 after worship, on Zoom only. A positive side effect of our decision is that we can have a robust conversation in Breakout Rooms without the challenge of figuring out how to get the insights of one part of the congregation to the other (we will worry about that at the Annual Meeting!).
Small groups can continue to meet on the Main Level of the Fellowship, following all the protocols that are in place (scheduled in advance with contact tracing, masking, physical distancing, and Zoom options for those who prefer it). Our ventilation on the Main Level is very good (thanks to the work of Buildings and Grounds to get the fans running well), and we are instituting new cleaning protocols.
Friends, this is so hard on all of us. We wish that it were easier to know what to do. We wish it were easier to preserve a balance between the need to be in the physical company of each other and the way that disease moves through us. We wish this were all over. We are adapting as we can. We are trying our best. We appreciate your continued patience, as well as any thoughts or feedback you are moved to provide.
In faith and love,
Rev. Rita and Board President Bob Finley