From the UUFM Board and the Minister
The pandemic cloud is lifting, and brighter days are right around the corner. After two years of living & worshipping virtually, we are ready to the throw the doors open and welcome everyone in for Sunday services and coffee hour. Based on Board action taken March 3, since the COVID positivity rate remains under five percent since March 4, we will be fully open on March 20. “Fully open” means no masks, physical distancing, or signing in will be required, and we will gather for coffee and conversation in the Fellowship Hall (lower level) after services.
Of course, people are free to wear a mask if that is most comfortable for them. And worship services will continue on Zoom. We will continue to watch the positivity rates and use of hospital beds in the region, and we will pivot to more restricted access as necessary to keep everyone as safe as possible.
When the pandemic struck with a vengeance in March 2020 forcing us to close our doors, few of us could have believed that we would be in the same situation in March 2022. It was simply unimaginable, yet it is exactly what transpired. As uninvited & demoralizing as the isolation has been for many of us, it is remarkable how we have held together and sustained our small, but committed and resilient group of congregants. We have rallied around one another in these times of uncertainly and given new meaning to the idea of a spiritual community—one we can carry forward when we are once again back together.
Indeed, we have come a long way since those dark days of 2020. For example, against all odds, last year’s pledge drive was a resounding success; this year’s is robust as well. Although in the early days of the shutdown we relied on Reverend Rita Zooming from her home, we quickly shifted to multi-platform or hybrid services thanks to some skilled technicians and investments in new technology. And then, consider all the formal and informal groups– Board, Committees, Ministry Teams, Task Forces, Soul Matters, Faith Development for our children and youth, social groups, etc.– that adapted to our changed environment and carried on with their responsibilities and activities. This is no small accomplishment and one worthy of celebration when the time is right.
So, watch this space for further developments about our reopening plans, and feel free to contact the Board or Reverend Rita with questions or comments.
Bob Finley, Board President Rev. Rita Capezzi, Minister
507-380-1869 716-903-7935