“You hardly knew how hungry you were to be gathered in, to receive the welcome that invited you to enter entirely… You began to breathe again… You learned to sing. But the deal with this blessing is that it will not leave you alone, will not let you linger… this blessing will ask you to leave, not because it has tired of you but because it desires for you to become the sanctuary that you have found…” – Jan Richardson
As we enter into a new church year and many feel refreshed from a lovely Ingathering service on Sunday, I find it important to take some time to reflect on how belonging at UUFM makes meaning for one. What gives you a sense of belonging among our community? What could change to increase a sense of belonging? How can you nurture that sense, both here and elsewhere, to both experience it and share it with others?
These are questions that hold unique-to-you answers. As someone who considers themself more introverted than extroverted, I find belonging comes first from spending some time with myself, so that I enter our community with a greater capacity for connection. I also recognize that the way my interactions take shape here can make a difference in how I feel when I leave as well. To me, it feels important to connect beyond surface-level conversation at church, to remember and be remembered, to be held in both our joys and our sorrows. The bonds we share here can be rich and meaningful when we invest in others’ well-being and feel safe enough to practice vulnerability when we are going through difficulties of our own. This takes mindfulness and care, and I hope that UUFM feels abundant with it this year and for many more to come.
What to look forward to this month:
- Sunday, September 18th: Backpack Blessing Ritual and Peace Pole Dedication; all-generation worship service
- Sunday, September 25th, during worship: Children’s Chapel (with Danielle and Macey) and Nursery Care (with Keri J. and another TBD adult)
- Wednesday, September 28th, 6:30pm: Youth Group (with Lee and Macey)