Look at these amazing carrots! They grew in our UUFM Organic Garden, tended by the Rossow Strasser family, Linda Ganske, and Mae Gagnon (let me know if I am missing anyone). Yes, they are crooked. And yes, they seem to be holding each other in an embrace. According to the Farmer Grows website https://farmergrows.com/why-do-carrots-split-when-growing/ , carrots generally split for four reasons: soil conditions with the wrong pH or obstructions like rock or clay; moisture stress from too little water; missing or low nutrients; and being spaced too closely. Very helpful for growing carrots. Yet why do two carrots embrace?
Despite less-than-ideal conditions, carrots (and people) can grow and can thrive. And while it is important to produce the right conditions for growth, to strive to make conditions right for all carrots and people, a compassionate nad caring environment can make up for a whole lost of poor and stressful conditions. These carrots ended up in a lovely cauliflower soup—beautiful, delicious, nutritious—a good element conditioning the health and well-being of my family. May we work to make conditions good for right thriving, and remember, above all, to live with and through Love. May this you remember, today and every day: that you are loved, you are worthy, you are welcome, and you are needed. May you feel it so, and may it be so.
With blessings and warmest wishes, Rev. Rita