Electing Change

Electing Change Voting is crucial to achieving the world of compassion and liberation about which we dream, and yet one election will never be enough. How do we remain faithful to our vision of justice both when we lose and when we win? We will explore lessons from the past as a way to make a better future. Rev. Rita preaching.

11 6 22 OOS–Electing Change

11 6 22 Sermon–Electing Change

Ever wonder what quick and meaningful answer you might give if you ever needed to describe Unitarian Universalism or the Fellowship in a pinch? During coffee hour, join Rev. Rita an informal workshop on writing your own UU elevator speech. You’ll pull on your own experience and add to it some helpful facts and notions.

Click this link to join the service:  https://zoom.us/j/99358411229?pwd=eGU2RUNiS0lFNjdyZlFMOVZITEhCdz09. Contact Rev. Rita at minister.uumankato@gmail.com or 716-903-7935 if you have trouble accessing the Zoom worship service and coffee hour.