“If we want to support each other’s inner lives, we must remember a simple truth: the human soul does not want to be fixed, it wants simply to be seen and heard. If we want to see and hear a person’s soul, there is another truth we must remember: the soul is like a wild animal — tough, resilient, and yet shy. When we go crashing through the woods shouting for it to come out so we can help it, the soul will stay in hiding. But if we are willing to sit quietly and wait for a while, the soul may show itself.” Parker Palmer
While I did not carve out the time for a lengthy reflection this week, these words from Parker Palmer reminded me of how trust in community is built through patiently witnessing one another. As we find our centers together, may we practice deep listening and sense a reverence for diversity.
This week and what’s to come in February:
Please note that Macey is planning for an intergenerational worship service on February 5th, while Rev. Rita is away. Otherwise, we plan to have children’s and youth programming downstairs every upcoming Sunday. Nursery care will be available for the entire worship service. Children’s Chapel and Youth Group begin following the tale for all ages.
This Sunday, we may be combining children’s and youth groups in the CFD room once again. Deb Fitzloff, once again, plans to join Macey Forsyth to host activities. This week, we reflect on courage, care, and miracles following a story from Rev. Barbara Gadon.
Next month, please mark your calendars for potluck and board games at 6pm on Wednesday, February 8th and youth group at 6:30pm on Wednesday, February 15th.