CFD Director’s Message 3.15.23

“Vulnerability is the core, the heart, the center, of meaningful human experiences.” – Brené Brown

Vulnerability may go hand in hand with discomfort. However, when I consider what an unwillingness to practice the discomfort that vulnerability might mean, I think of all that may suffer: our authentic expression, mental health, connections, and potential opportunities for growth. The first definition that pops up when I Google search vulnerability is “the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.” Vulnerability, by definition, does not sound appealing to me, but what it doesn’t mention are all the positive possibilities that come with it.

As a kid, I could be labeled as introverted or shy, and it is fair to say that I missed some fun and enriching opportunities because of it. When I think back to many of the environments I inhabited, most did not encourage me to come out of my shell (specifically, some that come to mind as particularly intimidating are dance class and my paternal grandparents’ home, surrounded by many rambunctious cousins.) What my childhood experiences helped me to realize, however, is the importance of being intentional in the ways we provide support, connect with, and invite them in.

At UUFM, we do this in our children’s programming when we create opportunities to share both the difficult and joyful happenings, when we emphasize that participation is encouraged but optional, when we intentionally pause, and when we revisit our covenants and principles.

How might you model and invite vulnerable, authentic connection with people of all ages?

What is happening this week…

Aside from Macey Forsyth and Keri Johnson, our facilitators for Sunday programming are still being confirmed, but we are confident that we will be prepared for our youngest people to join us in the Children’s Faith Development room and the nursery.


Tonight Wednesday, March 15th, at 6:30pm, Cathi Fouchi and Macey Forsyth will facilitate youth group, and Julia Hamann will be providing care for our Moms Demand Action families. We will serve pizza and veggies for the kids and play games.

RSVP for tonight’s Youth Group here, please: