CFD Director’s Message 4.5.23

“May this new year bring you wellbeing, joy, and limitless opportunities to grow. Let’s be fierce in our commitment to value and utilize even the most challenging circumstances as a way to deepen our understanding and cultivate compassion for others (as well as ourselves). Let’s continuously find creative and thoughtful ways to serve living beings and this precious planet, our home, and look at life around us as the rich ground for awakening from self-absorption. If we can do this, how can we possibly lose?” -Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel

Have you ever found yourself resisting some direction of your life, before surrendering and realizing that being with the flow leads to feeling happier? I turn 30 tomorrow and have been feeling that lately. It is a rather trivial example, but for a long time I imagined traveling for my birthday this year to celebrate the milestone of making it to a new decade. However, multiple factors have made it an unrealistic time for me and my family to take a big trip. Leading up to this week, I noticed myself feeling disappointment about a lack of plans. However, in the last few days, I have realized how healthy grounding down with some time at home will be and remembered that there is so much opportunity, beauty, and joy right in my immediate surroundings.

A phrase my mom reiterated to me numerous times during my early years is “count your blessings.” What was undoubtedly, occasionally met with eyerolls has become a core teaching that I appreciate. While, of course, I believe in the importance of welcoming a variety of emotions, returning to a sense of gratitude for all that I have has been essential for my happiness. In a world where we are bombarded by countless advertisements and stories that imply more is better and even necessary, it is an act of empowered, Earth-centered resistance to choose to be glad for who we are, where we are, knowing that we often already have all that we need and more. When we are secure in this way, it is possible to live with greater purpose.

May the wishes above and more be true for you, always. May you always have what you need. When you have less, I hope that you have resources and supports for your needs to be met again. When you have more, I invite you to recognize where it is important to share it.

Please note that I have the coming week off from UUFM, so I may be slower than usual to respond to messages and requests. If you have anything urgent, please consider reaching alternative contacts, such as Rev. Rita Capezzi or Shelly Storm, our office administrator.

Lee Ganske and Deb Fitzloff will be hosting our children and youth this Sunday for an Easter Egg hunt, following the tale for all ages. Julia Hamann and Keri Johnson will also be present during the entire worship service to care for any of our youngest children that need care in the nursery.

Wednesday, April 19th will be our next Youth Group, from 6:30-8pm. We will, once again, plan on checking in, eating pizza, and playing games. In May, we are hopeful to change it up and get outside. Please RSVP for this month’s date here: