CFD Director’s Message 8.16.23

“We’re all just walking each other home.” – Ram Dass

It has been an eventful week in my personal world, so this will be a little more personal of an update than usual. In addition to some family plans I had anticipated, as Drew’s twin sister got married, I unexpectedly also ended up spending an afternoon sitting in a hospital room with my father. I do not feel the need to share all of the details of his very vulnerable condition. However, I will say that it was difficult to witness him in the state he was in. The medical staff thought when I visited on Friday that he would almost certainly make a recovery, but as of today, his diagnosis became more complicated: first, it was viral meningitis, and now West Nile virus and encephalitis. From my understanding, this means a longer stay for rehabilitation and an increased likelihood of long-term risks.

There have been lessons and reminders in being with my father through this, of how temporary we are all here, how nothing is truly guaranteed, the important of gratitude, and what it means to love others. My dad and I are very different people with much emotional distance that has come between us. So, among the most important reminders through this time is to forgive and to be the daughter that I want to be to my dad, instead of always longing for him to be a different father to me. We all deserve healing, and I hope you know it in your families, too, in whatever way that takes shape for you.

As far as UUFM programming is concerned, I plan to be present alongside Danielle this Sunday and anticipate our nursery care will be available again too, thanks to Karen. I look forward to hopefully connecting with you then!

Please register your children and youth here:
UUFM Children’s Faith Development Registration 2023-24:


Best regards,
Macey Forsyth (she / her)