CFD Director’s Message 9.6.23

“The opposite of a true statement is a false statement, but the opposite of a profound truth can be another profound truth.” – Niels Bohr

The quote above is one that I came upon in some of the reading I am doing for my teacher development course through the UUA, and it really speaks to me about some of what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist. We can hold multiple profound truths, honor many traditions, and think differently, while still reverently holding one another in the warmth of community.

I have been enjoying my last long stretch up at my husband’s sweet, rustic family cabin this week while working remotely. Being in the lake water of northern Minnesota on these last few hot days alongside my 1-year-old has been such a privilege and a treat. Even today, when I spent much of my day focused on remote work, including that classwork and a meeting with volunteers, I felt truly grateful and joyous to be here doing what I am doing. I am reminded of how fortunate I am that this work exists because of the people who show up and believe that my words matter. It is a humbling and wonderful role, one that is only possible for me with support from others.
On that note, let us be reminded that this Sunday, as we attend Water Communion, it is symbolic of the interconnectedness of our community and our world. Each of our roles and how and why we are together at UUFM matters. Please ask yourself what it is you’d like from the coming months at church and share it with someone who might help build that vision… or connect you with someone to build it.
This service will be multigenerational, but we do plan to have the nursery staffed and wiggle room open.
We will also be sharing the Backpack Blessings that Barb Franchino and Deb Fitzloff created with me this year, and folks of all ages are invited to tie-dye and enjoy a luncheon afterward. So, please consider bringing:
  • Your backpack, purse, laptop bag, etc.
  • Water, from any place special or ordinary to you (there will be water available to pour into the bowl as well)
  • Something to tie-dye (there will be some cloth napkins, various shirts, and a collaborative tapestry to dye, too)
  • Your appetite!
Thank you for reading! I hope to see you soon.