CFD Director’s Message 11.5.23

“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.” – Maya Angelou

With the month’s theme being Generosity, last week I wrote about how physically giving, as we declutter and assess what is unneeded, is a kind, relieving, and rewarding act. This week, I have been reflecting on how generosity is so much more than what we physically share with others. It is essential that we are generous to ourselves: giving ourselves grace, expressing ourselves with confidence, and prioritizing our own needs.

For those who were conditioned to put others’ needs first time and time again, it is sometimes difficult to practice self-care beyond our basic needs. Giving others time, care, and attention much more readily than ourselves was certainly modeled in my own family. Slowly but surely though, I have realized how much more ease I experience in giving when the metaphorical cup I am pouring from is full (or at least not nearing empty).

This week and through this season of giving, I hope you will include yourself.

Children’s Chapel will be meeting this Sunday, with Deb and Macey facilitating and inviting the children outside after our check-in time downstairs. Please have your children wear layers of warm-enough clothing. Keri and Alexander will be present in the nursery to care for our youngest children (ages 0-5).

The rest of the month’s programming will consist of the following: