June 12, 2024 Minister’s Message




Our congregational year is bookended by two uniquely Unitarian Universalist rituals: the water ceremony on the Sunday after Labor Day, and the flower ceremony in June. Not every congregation celebrates these at the same time of year—especially the flower ceremony, which is dependent on the time when flowers are blooming in each location. Most of my ministry, though, has been in places where we held the flower ceremony on the Sunday before General Assembly, as we are this year.

For me, that always feels like a pivot from the “regular” church year (which roughly aligns with the academic year) and the summer. We don’t take the summer off from congregational life, as many congregations once did in the time before air conditioning (and some still do). It does still feel to me like a more relaxed pace for a few months, from just after the busy time of General Assembly until we have our ingathering after Labor Day. Many committees and teams take a month or two off in the summer, as does our choir.

Unlike my experiences in past ministry settings, I am not taking a large block of time off over the summer. I will have some time away, but in one-week blocks just like last ten and a half months. Beginning in early August, when my position transitions from 3/4-time to full-time, there will be no more “off-duty weeks”…just vacation and study leave, spread across the year based on both my personal schedule and the congregation’s schedule.

I’m looking forward to settling into the rhythm of full-time ministry with you. In the meantime, though, I plan to spend parts of the summer nourishing myself and moving at a more relaxed pace, and I hope you will too. While my Wednesdays in the office will have fewer team meetings during the summer, perhaps they can have more lunches and iced tea on patios with those of you who would like the chance to chat one on one.

Whatever your summer holds, may it bring you joy!

In gratitude,
Rev. Diana