“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” -Rabindranath Tagore
“Work is love made visible.” -Kahlil Gibran
While my time off in June really was fun and passed by quickly, returning to work and settling into routines for a fresh church year with many possibilities brings me a deeper joy, peace, and purpose. Being present with both rest and work is key to feeling grounded and centered, while warding off burnout. I imagine each of us has had some challenge with one or the other at times, either longing to be out of a workplace or mentally stuck there when we are finally off. I am glad to say I have become increasingly skillful at bringing my mind back to where my body is, and that increases my sense of calm.
Part of what keeps folks voluntarily returning to churches is the joy that we are gifting one another our service. When work feels meaningful, well-received, reciprocated, and impactful, it energizes us and others. On the other hand, the disappointment, frustration, and discomfort that may be experienced when it feels like that energy is shrinking can make it difficult to be motivated, hopeful, and present with the work of continually showing up. It is a sign of our humanity that we long for the deeper connection and purpose that spaces like churches offer.
I am not certain who can be credited with writing this, but I came across this quote today that states, “When people speak of travelling to the past, they worry about radically changing the present by doing something small, but barely anyone in the present thinks they can radically change the future by doing something small.” My wish is that those who stay committed and those who arrive as newcomers all may know, believe, and feel that even the seemingly smallest of actions can create incredible impacts. May we all remember the importance of the sense of worth and welcome in our shared space. Let us keep showing up, opening up, and keeping a sense of humor even when we stumble together.
A week from tonight:
Our next Wednesday evening Intergenerational Art Journaling group will meet on Wednesday, July 17th from 6:30-8pm. Please RSVP at the link below: