CFD Director’s Message 8.21.24

I had such a beautiful, restorative, joyful time off last week, traveling to a couple of different destinations, gathering with friends, practicing some self-care, and spending much time outdoors. Being a parent of a young child has truly deepened my sense of gratitude for the little adventures I get to take on my own. I had the following reflection come to me during this time of reconnection with friends, noticing how my own internal shift has changed the way I engage with the world.

Mindfulness, or increasing the awareness of my thought patterns and energy, being intentional about pruning what doesn’t serve me, and redirecting my pathways to the most supportive expressions, is a powerful practice that is greatly impacting my journey. It takes courage to see oneself and focus on oneself in a way that leads to overcoming self-conscious beliefs and claiming inherent worth. While one may perceive this as an individualist pursuit, I would argue that it is very much collective in that it leads to greater presence, humility, love, generosity, and interdependence throughout our connections to all of life. Slowing down to observe and practice patience with the inner landscape has the potential to ripple out to others in beautiful ways.

Today and always, may you, too, continually honor yourself in ways that lead you to moments of stillness, greater balance, deeper purpose, and more consistent happiness. You are always loved.

I look forward to the beginning of the official school and church year soon and the upcoming activities:

Intergenerational Art Journaling, Wednesday, August 28th, 6:30-8pm

Intergenerational Hiking at Seven Mile Creek Park, Saturday, September 7th, 10am