Help UUFM Make Good Trouble!
Last week, I shared with you that UUFM was among over 50 Unitarian Universalist congregations honored by the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Side With Love team as “Good Trouble” congregations for our pro-democracy work in 2024. That work continues to be essential in 2025 and for the foreseeable future. After attending the celebration last week, Diane Dobitz and I talked about what’s next, and we would like to invite those of you who are interested to join our Good Trouble team to keep finding ways we can do that work together. We hope for a team of 3-5 people to do the brainstorming and planning, and a much larger number who will engage in activities, as happened with the postcards to voters last fall. Please contact me at if you are interested in joining us!
We have also received a batch of pins with the Good Trouble Congregation 2024 logo for those who were part of the pro-democracy work last year. Please see me if you would like one!
In gratitude,
Rev. Diana