How many UUs does it take to change a light bulb?

Walking the path as a Unitarian Universalist is not one most envied. There are all of these principles, and each one is more demanding than the last. And what about the questions; “You are a Uni – what?” or “So, what do you believe anyway?” Rev. Daniel Kanter delivers his sermon via video, “The Five Reasons You Shouldn’t Be a Unitarian,” and confirms why we commit to walking the UU path.


The Rev. Dr. Daniel Chesney Kanter is senior minister of First Unitarian Church of Dallas, Texas. Previously he served at King’s Chapel in Boston and as a chaplain at San Francisco General Hospital.  Daniel uses his pulpit, and most frequently his public prophetic witness pulpit including Facebook, to speak out about reproductive injustices. He posted recently following the passage of a bill in Oklahoma that would have criminalized physicians who performed abortions in that state.

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