December 5, 2018 Minister’s Message

Friends, it’s another one of those weeks when I venture back to Buffalo. Gift shopping, Christmas tree chopping and decorating, symphony tickets, and friend-filled meals are what await me, and I am ever-grateful for this time away. One of you jokingly referred to me as your “flying minister,” which I guess I am. Oh that I were as young and light as Sister Bertrille (some of us remember who she is!)! And though, more than that, I wish my carbon footprint were not so significant, I am appreciative of the chance to be with family, especially at this time of year.

Following on our cancellation of services on December 2, it comes rather hard. I regret not seeing so many of you two whole weeks in a row. Still, you are in capable hands with Worship Leader Sue Chambers organizing and leading worship with jazz musicians Larry McDonough and Richard Terrill. The children will begin service this week at 10:30 in Children’s Chapel and a chance to celebrate December Birthdays. This decision is part of our discernment of how worship can be integrated upstairs and downstairs, how children’s faith development can include worship and community-building, and how Sunday morning services can be spiritually fulfilling for all generations. Carrie and I appreciate your feedback about these changes we are trying out.

As we enter the growing darkness more fully this month, as we move toward solstice, the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, may we reflect on the mystery that is life by considering a spiritual practice recommended by the Soul Matters Collective from which we draw our themed worship each month. I believe we’ve all experienced it: the mystery of an ordinary moment that suddenly unfolds and offers deep meaning. The everyday becomes luminous. This exercise invites you to remember some of those luminous moments and revisit the gift they gave. To do this, simply make some time to watch and meditate on the following video:

The Moment:

As you watch, think of moments you’ve experienced when life suddenly and mysteriously lit up and reminded you of the marvel and preciousness of being alive. Go on from there to imagine images from your own life that you’d include if you were making your own video. Then keep watch during the following hours and days to see if this meditation changes the way you perceive your “ordinary” days.


Maybe you will even let me know how this spiritual exercise worked for you. Though I will not see you this week, you are all in my hearts. And may you remember that you are loved, you are worthy, you are welcome, and you are needed. May you feel it so, today and every day.

Blessings and best wishes, Rev. Rita