January 2, 2019 Minister’s Message

“Somewhere, a signal has arrived. Now. Now. Now, it says. Stop waiting. Begin. Move despite the trembling. Don’t wait for any of it to be perfect. Just move.” Julia Fehrenbacher

Dear Friends,

I continue for one additional day my “pause,” from the daily tasks of ministry. “Pause” is my 2019 word to orient myself. I am working on pausing more regularly this new year, slowing down and reflecting on my life and my work and my aspirations of how I will lean into my future. And in this pause, I contemplate our monthly Soul Matters theme: Possibility.

A big fan of the original Stark Trek series, I remember many times when Captain Kirk would ask if something extraordinarily dangerous and complex were possible. From Mr. Spock and Engineer Scott, the answer was often “possible, but improbable.” Improbable, the enemy of the possible. Kirk always went with the possible, even when it seemed impossible. Ah, such are the wonders of television! Imagining possibilities requires a leap of faith, a shaking off of the dust of habit, a willingness to take a risk. It sometimes requires ignoring logic, re-writing the careful calculations, relying on desire rather than the sure bet. I confess, I am more drawn toward Captain Kirk’s thinking  than Mr. Spock’s.

This month, we will engage our full Fellowship–adults and children–exploration of The Possible. Through story, ritual, and worship, we will imagine new possibilities for more faithfulness in our individual lives, for more fortitude when serving our hurting world, and for more courage concerning the life of our beloved Fellowship. As always, we will explore as a community, mindful of how together we call each other into relationship for the greater good and amplify our opportunities to imagine new and vital and life-giving possibilities. As another Star Trek captain many times said, “Make it so!” Together, let’s make it so. Together, may we bring about the glorious possible.

Looking forward to seeing you soon, even in church.
Blessings, Rev. Rita