UUFM Mid-Year Meeting Agenda January 27, 2019 @ 12:00PM

Here is the agenda for this year’s mid-year meeting:

UUFM Mid-Year Meeting Agenda January 27, 2019 @ 12:00PM


12:00 Greeting and Quorum Count

12:05 Chalice Lighting and Congregational Covenant: We are a welcoming people of diverse beliefs who commit to nourish the spirit, broaden the mind, nurture the earth, and build community.  May this flame we kindle remind us to strive, today and every day, to love beyond belief.

12:10 Review agenda for adds/revisions

12:11  Approval of  Meeting Minutes from 2018-05 Annual Meeting

12:12  Updates

  • Ministry Report & Updates on Team Activity
  • President’s Report & Updates on Committee Activity
  • Stewardship Campaign Report
  • Treasurer’s Report 

12:30  Congregational Vote:  Minister Installation 14 April

12:35  Congregational Discussion

  • Communications—How can we keep ourselves informed? How can we enhance both internal & external communications?
  • Fundraising—What resources might we leverage to pursue our mission? What is there in addition to annual campaign and scrip program?

1:00 Adjourn


Next Meeting: 19 May 2019 @ 12:00 PM