February 20, 2019 Minister’s Message

Well, dear friends, the snow is beautiful and tiresome, isn’t it? One person’s moment of grace can be another’s frustration. As you gaze out at this snowy day, perhaps there is more time for you to consider that “love letter” to yourself. Here’s the link from last week, if you want another chance to try it.

The challenging weather reminds me a little of what it means to be in covenant together—beautiful but tiring. The Unitarian Universalist faith is a covenantal religion. No creed or belief holds us together, no anchor to weigh us down or keep us steady and true. Rather, we agree to move together as a body, as a Fellowship within the pulls and trials of our world, and it is all too easy to stray from our path or drag our feet or skip far ahead beyond our companions. Covenants are easily broken. They need constant mending and maintenance. Is all that work really worth it? Does all that work provide the requisite joy for continuing the creation and the preservation of relationship?

For me, it is decidedly so. This Sunday, I’ll suggest some reasons why it could be for you, too. If you can be safe in this weather, I hope you will join me for worship and faith development.

With hope and faith, I look forward to seeing you soon, especially at the Fellowship.

Blessings, Rev. Rita