March 6, 2019 Minister’s Message

Theologian and humanitarian Dr. Albert Schweitzer said, “The path of awakening is not about becoming who you are. Rather it is about unbecoming who you are not.” I spent five years deliberately “unbecoming” an English professor, leaving myself open to re-creation as a minister—for me, a truer, more fully expressive and whole self. As our Fellowship individually and collectively explores the theme of “Journey” this month, I invite you to contemplate this possibility in your own life. What might it be, larger or small, that you must “unbecome” in order to be who you truly wish to be in the world, as a member of our Fellowship, within your circle of family and friends, to yourself in the quiet of your own mind and spirit?

This week, our journey of worship will take us backward—back to a sermon weather prevented my delivering on February 24. We will return to the theme of “Trust” and explore what it means that we in the Unitarian Universalist religious tradition are bound by covenant rather than by creed. As I said a few weeks ago, “Covenants are easily broken. They need constant mending and maintenance. Is all that work really worth it? Does all that work provide the requisite joy for continuing the creation and the preservation of relationship?” May we answer “Yes!” together.

With hope and faith, I look forward to seeing you soon, especially at the Fellowship.
Blessings, Rev. Rita