March 13, 2019 Minister’s Message

March 13

In the Spirit of Covenant . . .

The Rev. Lisa Ward reminds us that “A covenant is not a definition of a relationship; it is the framework for our relating. A covenant leaves room for chance and change, it is humble toward evolution.” At this time here at UUFM, we abide within a framework of our Covenant of Right Relations, which you can access here.  Our Covenant begins: “As members of UUFM, we commit to encourage and support each other on our individual and collective spiritual journeys.” And it ends: “Because each and every one of us is imperfect and will occasionally break covenant, we will forgive ourselves, each other and begin again in love.”

In our journeys together and side by side, to spiritual healing and knowledge, let us together consider a specific call of our Covenant: “Being mindful of our personal limitations and appropriate community boundaries we will: Be mindful of the myriad tasks of our employees and treat them with respect.” This call to our best selves is particularly important when we remember that our employees are also congregants, and so not all of them are “on the job” on a Sunday morning.

As you think on the responsibilities you hold for this Fellowship, within a sense of love and duty, please remain mindful of the need of others to replenish their spirits in worship or perform volunteer tasks of their choosing on Sundays. I encourage you to leave a note rather than begin a conversation best held at another time. And I appreciate all your efforts to care for our people.

As always, “we will forgive ourselves, each other and begin again in love.”  Blessings, Rev. Rita