July 3, 2019 Minister’s Message

Minister’s Message

Dear Friends,

Life has been very busy and very fulfilling for me in this first year of ministry with the Fellowship. And even more so in the last several weeks. In mid-July, my husband and I anticipate closing on a house in North Mankato. This will be the newest house we will ever have lived in, and I am really hoping that means less maintenance. What do you think? Will I be fortunate?

In other wonderful news, we also anticipate closing on our house in Buffalo, our home for the last 19 years. Of course, this is bittersweet—our children were ten and six when we moved in, and lots of life, joy and sorrow, learning and growing happened in that space. We are planning rituals of leave-taking to honor our past and to welcome our unfolding future. I feel very fortunate.

By the end of August, my husband will have arrived and settled into Mankato. His is a gracious spirit, willing to accompany me twice now in our lives together as I followed a call to teaching and now a call to ministry. I am very fortunate.

My material path has been smoother than most, of which I am mindful and for which I am very grateful. Whatever your circumstances, material and spiritual, I hold you in prayerful intentions. May you be well. May you be peaceful and at ease. May you be whole.

Looking forward to seeing you in my short window of presence before I am away again.

Blessings and best wishes, Rev. Rita