August 14, 2019 Minister’s Message

Aug 14

Dear Friends,

I am delighted to be back in Mankato, and in North Mankato where I am now living. My spouse and the bulk of our possessions journey from Buffalo, NY next week. Jeff will be working remotely as a contracted executive for his current employer. My household will expand by two more, as I am re-united with our cats Sita and Tommy. The transition phase to the Fellowship is nearly complete. It has been a productive and a beautiful year.

The work of a religious community is, however, always in transition, always a work in progress. Three major events in the life of this Fellowship take place in the next two weeks. First, we welcome our new Children’s Faith Development Director, Ms. Macey Page. Macey begins acclimating to the Fellowship and the role starting August 15. She will observe our Sunday morning routine for several weeks, re-organize the CFD Room and Nursery, meet the Child Care Providers, help to plan all-generation services for September 8 and 22, and assume the roles of Storyteller and Children’s Chapel on September 15. I know she will look forward to getting to know the people of our Fellowship over the coming month.

Next Thursday, August 22, we begin our Trans Initiative with a discussion of Becoming Nicole. You are welcome to attend, whether you have read the book or not. On August 23-24, the Board and its Committees, along with the Staff, will participate in a Leadership Retreat in order to set direction and priorities for the coming year.

It is an exciting time to be a part of this Fellowship, a religious community seeking to make itself and our larger community more compassionate and just. And all of your ideas, efforts, and participation are needed in this crucial endeavor. So, if you have a thought or a desire to see something happen, talk to me or Board President Tony Filipovitch, and we will find a way.


Looking forward to seeing you soon, even in church. Blessings and best wishes, Rev. Rita