A Ministry of Giving and Receiving at UUFM

In this time of social distancing to lessen the spread of COVID-19 to ourselves, our loved ones, our neighbors, and our healthcare workers, we continue to need the help and support of each other. We are all a part of the web of interdependence, and we do well to acknowledge what we each need in this time and what we each can give.

Your UUFM leadership is working to match your needs with your abilities to assist. Please send an email to Rev. Rita (minister.uumankato@gmail.com) or to Board President (boardpresident@uumankato.org) with a request for assistance and with an ability to assist.

What might you need: groceries picked up or prescriptions, a pet walked, a package delivered, or guidance with computer or internet connections, for example. What might you be able to do: shopping, picking up items and delivering, a little yard work or pet care, setting up computers and internet, for example. You tell us!! It is more than OK, better than OK, to ask and to give assistance.

You might also have suggestions for actions that the Fellowship as a body might do to help the greater community. We are looking for your ideas and concerns.