UUFM Annual Meeting – May 5, 2024 following worship

Annual Mtg. Agenda 2024.0504

Mid Year Mtg. Min. 2024.0128

UUFM Past 5 Years Reserves

UUFM Projected & Budgeted Income & Expenses


UUFM Annual Meeting – May 21, 2023 following worship.

Annual Mtg. Agenda 5.21.23

Worship Ministry Assessment from 2023.0420

Building and Grounds Annual Report 2023

UUFM Mid-Year Meeting Agenda & Materials – January 15th, 2023 

Click her for link to information and details.

We are governed by our By-Laws and our Congregational Covenant of Right Relations.

The UUFM Board of Directors meets on the third Thursday of each month. After the previous month’s minutes are approved, the minutes are made available here, in Dropbox and on the bulletin board in the church social hall. In addition, the week after the board meeting, notes of interest called Board Notes are sent out by our board president in the Weekly newsletter.

As part of our  Long Range Plan , we are working on a comprehensive policy manual with the goal being a governance structure of policy governance. The plan is to have the board of directors setting policy with input from committees and staff. The staff and committees then implement the policies, with the congregation aware of how things work in our church, leaving us all time to do good works in our community and our world.

View our current  policies here.

We are working toward a governance system in which we all know who is accountable for what so we can move to creativity and collaboration in our spiritual work together. We can delegate authority to committees and special action groups (SAGS) without micromanaging them.