April 1, 2020 Minister’s Message

Dear Friends,

I took an extra day off this week, and my spouse and I headed north to Mille Lacs Lake, a part of Minnesota we had not yet seen. We stopped only for gas (I have NEVER seen such clean restrooms!) and observed physical distancing and all sanitary precautions. For a person who learned to define herself by the amount of work she does, it was challenging to take the time away. And I am so grateful to have “rested my eyes” on new scenes—the reverie of a long drive in an unfamiliar landscape; lake water just opening, much of the surface still covered in ice and snow; a pair of snow geese, the first I’ve seen “in person”; buds open on the ends of the branches of an aspen which had uprooted and toppled over. It was a beautiful day.

As I write, the monthly test of the tornado alert system is going off. It’s so eerie at a time of persistent disaster to imagine responding to another. Yet life goes on. Apparently, earthquakes hit both Puerto Rico and Idaho yesterday. Babies have been born. Folks whose lives have run their courses have died. Buds are indeed appearing on the trees, though some of us have trouble noticing them. Yesterday was, and remains, a beautiful day. I don’t know exactly what tomorrow will bring. I know that I may feel afraid, abandoned, lonely. And I know that all of this is happening not only to me, but to all of us. I am not alone. You are not alone.

We are in this together, no matter if we are keeping ourselves busy or finding ourselves sluggish, no matter if we are unplugging or staying connected. We are always home together, as a compassionate and justice-seeking people. I see your true colors, and they are beautiful like a rainbow. May you find comfort and a sense of peace.  Alongside all the rest of what fills our hearts and minds at this time. May you remember each other in your hearts and minds as often as you can. May you know that I hold each of you in my heart and mind. May it give you comfort, today and every day, to know and to that you are loved, you are worthy, you are welcome, and you are needed. May you feel it so, and may it be so. Amen and Amen.

Blessings, Rev. Rita