Author: Linda Ganske

Board President Notes 8/26/2020

Dear Fellow Seekers,

UUFM is abuzz with energy that has been building all summer.  Some of the energy arises from actions of our members and friends who regularly attend local justice protests, some emerges from our local UUtheVote efforts – mentioned here in our Weekly Update … read more.

Ingathering/Water Communion September 13, 2020

Ingathering/ Water Communion

Save the date! We gather for the new church year, in ways now familiar though still strange. Sunday, September 13 we celebrate our life as a religious community offering compassion to and working for justice for all. Rev. Rita and Macey have some … read more.

Dear Beloved Congregation,

Last Sunday during worship, I was distracted. I sit in a corner of a second-floor room, with windows facing both north and west, a large locust tree to my left. I look out toward St. Peter, toward a triangle of space created by … read more.

August 12, 2020 Minister’s Message

Dear Beloved Congregation,

I am grateful to be in worship with you again this coming Sunday. I know how weary you must be of Zoom and physical distancing, how you long for our building and coffee hour and greeting one another with handshakes and back slaps, … read more.

August 5, 2020 Minister’s Message

Dear Beloved Congregation!

I am so grateful to be back among you, so grateful that your generosity to the Fellowship allowed me the time I needed for rest, relaxation, and renewal. I read some books, visited with family and friends back East, and planned for new … read more.