Author: Linda Ganske

May 6, 2020 Minister’s Message

Dear Friends,

In the United States, we celebrate Mothers’ Day this coming Sunday, May 10. Perhaps florists and card shops will receive a stimulus bump as families honor the moms in their lives. So many mothers are struggling through their role differently—bread-winning and homeschooling in the … read more.

May 29, 2020 Minister’s Message

Dear Friends,

Though Benjamin Franklin was neither a Unitarian nor a Universalist, his propensity to strive for self-improvement and individual development resonate with the premises of humanism. His “Thirteen Virtues” point the way to a good moral life, though the last has always struck me as … read more.

May 22, 2020 Minister’s Message

Dear Friends,

Today is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, a day when we focus our attention on environmental protection. Earth Day was conceived in 1969 at a UNESCO Conference in San Francisco, where peace activist John McConnell proposed a day to honor the Earth and the concept of peace. McConnell … read more.

CFD Director’s Corner 04/29/2020

Notes from the Director
“Love a UUFM Elder”
Keep an eye on emails from Rev. Rita and Macey about outreach to the elders of our UUFM community! We will be nominating an elder each week and inviting families to write to them. Perhaps if your family … read more.

CFD Director’s Corner 4/22/2020

Notes from the Director

“Love a UUFM Elder”
Keep an eye on emails from Rev. Rita and Macey about outreach to the elders of our UUFM community! We will be nominating an elder each week and inviting families to write to them. Perhaps if your family … read more.

Email Scam Alert

Dear Friends,

Rita will NEVER solicit gift cards from you through email. Please be mindful of scam emails with addresses similar to hers. And she would never text you to ask. Those scams are circulating, too. Call Rev. Rita directly at her cell number if you … read more.

CFD Director’s Corner 4/15/2020

Notes from the Director

“suffering makes sense to me… i can see the worst case scenarios fanned out before me, a million lonely paths… [so] i have had to learn to cultivate joy, to generate and extend trust, to be still, to focus my attention on … read more.

CFD Director’s Corner

Notes from the Director

Welcome to the Month of Liberation! Liberation can mean many things, one of which is the practice of accepting that we are already enough. This short talk with Krista Tippett shares some thoughts about our inherent worth and dignity: … read more.

April 8, 2020 Minister’s Message

Dear Friends,

I don’t know about you, but I feel weighted down by sameness—monotonous days tinged with boredom, irritation, and frustration. At base level, that’s how it seems in my house. For the last 16 days, I have taken a photo of a tree in my … read more.