Author: Linda Ganske

Care Team

The Care Team consists of compassionate lay people who support church members facing concerns such as illness, hospitalization, surgery, and more. Team members send cards, make phone calls and visits, provide transportation to medical appointments, and make referrals to other support services in Mankato. If … read more.

January 29, 2020 Minister’s Message

Dear Friends,

There is an oak just outside my living room window. A big one. And it’s covered with Virginia Creeper, all the way to the top. Judging by the size, the vine has been growing a long time. And given enough time, that thin and … read more.

January 15, 2020 Minister’s Message

Minister’s Message
Dear Friends,

Last year around this time, I selected a simple word around which to organize a spiritual practice. In 2019, my word was “pause,” and I went to the word and the action whenever I felt overwhelmed or perplexed by events cultural and … read more.

January 8, 2020 Minister’s Message

January 8, 2020
Minister’s Message

Dear Friends,

It is good to be back at the Fellowship, returned to ordinary time after holidays and travel for family visits. It is good to be home.

On Sunday, the prairie winds quite rattled the Fellowship. Rattled me anyway. There was a … read more.

December 24, 2019 Minister’s Message

Dear Friends,

The daylight is once more returning. The waiting is almost over. The New Year is nearly upon us. Everything is happening again. Everything is new again. Our seasonal and holiday milestones enable us to pause and reflect on how life has changed, how the … read more.

December 18, 2019 Minister’s Message

Minister’s Message

Dear Friends,

In the midst of the business and the busy-ness of this holiday season, I invite you into rest, into quiet contemplation and reverie, if only for a few minutes. I invite you to purpose toward a time, even a very brief time, of … read more.