Author: Linda Ganske

April 24, 2019 Minister’s Message

April 24
Dear friends,
Once again, people have been attacked in their places of worship, those places of uttermost vulnerability where we connect to ultimate sources of love, acceptance, comfort, affirmation, and struggles to be fully and openly human in history and in the vast … read more.

April 17, 2019 Minister’s Message

April 17
Dear Friends.
Our Installation Ceremony was beautiful and deeply moving. May the love and joy we shared last Sunday move us to greater and deeper ministry amongst both us attending our Fellowship and those with whom we seek to partner for the work … read more.

April 10, 2019 Minister’s Message

April 10
Dear Friends,
I am with you in spirit while physically in Boston at the First Year Ministers Seminar. I came here directly from Regional Assembly in St. Louis, where I confirmed proudly that our Fellowship is a long-time Fair Share supporter of the … read more.

April 3, 2019 Minister’s Message

Minister’s Message
Poet T. S. Eliot tells us that “April is the cruelest month,” and here we are at the beginning of it again. Is spring actually here, or will winter return in a blizzardy blast like last year? Will the stone roll away once … read more.

March 27, 2019 Minister’s Message

Minister’s Message
Dear Friends, my trip to Buffalo has been very refreshing—it’s been cool and sunny, with signs of spring everywhere. I’ve read Louise Erdrich’s “The Plague of Doves,” which I highly recommend. Erdrich’s novel focuses on the tangled strands of Native and Euro families … read more.

March 20, 2019 Minister’s Message

Minister’s Message
Dear Friends, I prepare to be away from the Fellowship for both personal and professional reasons much of the next three weeks. Family birthdays, visits with my ageing parents, and sorting cubbyholes and crawlspaces in preparation for selling our house in Buffalo will … read more.

Reverend Rita’s Installation

Installation News

On April 14, 2019 at 4:00, this Fellowship will install Rev. Rita Capezzi. This installation marks the first time our Fellowship has called a full-time minister. We look forward on this occasion to affirm a covenant of shared ministry; to uphold our partnerships with … read more.