Author: Linda Ganske

March 13, 2019 Minister’s Message

March 13

In the Spirit of Covenant . . .

The Rev. Lisa Ward reminds us that “A covenant is not a definition of a relationship; it is the framework for our relating. A covenant leaves room for chance and change, it is humble toward evolution.” At … read more.

March 6, 2019 Minister’s Message

Theologian and humanitarian Dr. Albert Schweitzer said, “The path of awakening is not about becoming who you are. Rather it is about unbecoming who you are not.” I spent five years deliberately “unbecoming” an English professor, leaving myself open to re-creation as a minister—for me, … read more.

February 27, 2019 Minister’s Message

February 27
Minister’s Message

This month, we enter the Soul Matters theme of “Journey,” and it is a focus that invites us to explore spiritual journeys, material journeys, and even inward journeys leading to greater self-awareness. Journey is a rich topic, inviting both self-reflection and the creation … read more.

February 20, 2019 Minister’s Message

Well, dear friends, the snow is beautiful and tiresome, isn’t it? One person’s moment of grace can be another’s frustration. As you gaze out at this snowy day, perhaps there is more time for you to consider that “love letter” to yourself. Here’s the … read more.

February 13, 2019 Minister’s Message

Dear friends,

My time away from you continues, but you remain in my heart, right where you belong. May we be in each other’s hearts, as tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. Our family celebrates a wedding on this day—the melding of two hearts and also the melding … read more.

January 30, 2019 Minister’s Message

Minister’s Message

What an absolutely beautiful day it was last Sunday, as so many of you shared what the Fellowship means in your lives, what aspirations you have for the Fellowship to be even more sustaining, and, so crucially, what you will do to make these … read more.

January 23, 2019 Minister’s Message

Dear Friends, it is good to be back with you in Mankato, relatively snow-less compared to Buffalo where the drifts raised 10 inches or so in the most inconvenient of places.

Between the snows, my spouse and I ventured Saturday morning to … read more.