Author: Linda Ganske

January 16, 2019 Minister’s Message

January 16

Friends, it’s another one of those weeks when I venture back to Buffalo. This time, I fly with some trepidation and some guilt. I’ll leave a bit earlier than usual to get to Minneapolis because of the chance that TSA … read more.

UUFM Mid-Year Meeting Agenda January 27, 2019 @ 12:00PM

Here is the agenda for this year’s mid-year meeting:

UUFM Mid-Year Meeting Agenda January 27, 2019 @ 12:00PM


12:00 Greeting and Quorum Count

12:05 Chalice Lighting and Congregational Covenant: We are a welcoming people of diverse beliefs who commit to nourish the spirit, broaden the mind, nurture … read more.

January 2, 2019 Minister’s Message

“Somewhere, a signal has arrived. Now. Now. Now, it says. Stop waiting. Begin. Move despite the trembling. Don’t wait for any of it to be perfect. Just move.” Julia Fehrenbacher

Dear Friends,

I continue for one additional day my “pause,” from the daily tasks of ministry. “Pause” … read more.

December 26, 2018 Minister’s Message

As you receive this message, I am away in Buffalo, NY, spending time with beloved friends and family for the holidays. I can’t speak to the current weather conditions in either New York or Minnesota, since I penned this text last week! Then, … read more.

December 19, 2018 Minister’s Message

Life coach and Zen Master David Rynick reminds us that, “In a true encounter with another human being, we come face to face with the mystery of life. In some way, every other person, no matter how well we know them, will remain as mysterious … read more.

December 12, 2018 Minister’s Message

December 12
So, did you take a moment last week? Did you pause to consider how an ordinary moment can suddenly unfold and offer a chance to consider deeper meaning? Or is everything just too busy—with shopping and wrapping, with re-calculating the costs and fretting the … read more.

Weekly Report of Board Actions

The Board took several votes online this month (when issues arise between meetings that require prompt attention, the Board has a procedure for addressing it).

The first was a fairly straightforward request from Personnel to permit childcare applicants to start working- and only when with another … read more.

December 5, 2018 Minister’s Message

Friends, it’s another one of those weeks when I venture back to Buffalo. Gift shopping, Christmas tree chopping and decorating, symphony tickets, and friend-filled meals are what await me, and I am ever-grateful for this time away. One of you jokingly referred to … read more.