Author: Linda Ganske

October 24, 2018 Minister’s Message

October 24, 2018

“Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.”—Joseph Campbell

I do a fair amount of weight training. It has been part of my normal physical activity since January 2015. In my everyday life, I alternate between weightlifting and sitting in … read more.

Spirit Day 2018

Since 2006 UUFM has been an open and Welcoming Congregation.  

Using publicity funds from their Education and Justice budget, the EdJ committee has signed up UUFM to be part of an online marketing campaign organized by MyOutSpirit and GLAAD to celebrate LGBTQ-affirming spiritual communities from Oct. 18-21.  This turns GLADD’s … read more.

October 17, 2018 Minister’s Message

“It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.”—Irish Proverb

It’s good to be back in Mankato after a week of travel. One of the blessings of driving at this time of year is the chance to see the foliage changing color. Shades … read more.

October 10, 2018 Minister’s Message

“Our listening creates a sanctuary for the homeless parts within another person.”—Rachel Naomi Remen

I’ve been on retreat, friends, taking refreshment that I might remain open, and increasingly so, to what needs to be heard, to what you are speaking in your various ways. Tomorrow evening, I … read more.

Start-up Workshop

Notes on the Start-Up Workshop


Last Friday and Saturday, Rev. Phil Lund (Congregational Life Consultant for the MidAmerica Region of the UUA) came down to Mankato to help us get off on the right foot with our new minister.  Friday evening was a congregational potluck, with … read more.

We Received the 2018 Beacon of Justice Award!

Congratulations, One and All, from MUUSJA!

Our Fellowship has been selected as the recipient of the Minnesota Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Alliance’s 2018 Beacon of Justice Award!  The award honors a congregation that has made significant efforts to embody our Unitarian Universalist values through justice-making within its … read more.

August 8, 2018 Minister’s Message

Message from Reverend Rita

Well, dear friends, I’ve spent a good first week unpacking and acclimating. After celebrating our wedding anniversary together, my husband has returned to Buffalo, and so I grow used to a long-distance relationship. Not trusting my sense of direction, the GPS has … read more.

Five Smooth Stones

Five Smooth Stones

Carrie Rice

July 22, 2018

Paul Rasor on definition of theology Faith Without Certainty, ppxvii-xviii

The term theology is often associated with arcane and academic or technical concepts that focus on abstract doctrines. But the purpose of theology is really quite simple. If religion … read more.