Author: Linda Ganske

We Have a Called Minister

On Sunday, April 29, the congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Mankato called Dr. Rita Capezzi to be our first settled minister! With ¾ of the congregation present, the vote was unanimous. Rita will be ordained in June from her home congregations of Buffalo … read more.

UUA General Assembly 6/20-24


UUA General Assembly this year is June 20-24 in Kansas City, MO; early registration closes April 30.  Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Anyone may attend; our congregation can send 3 delegates to vote at the Annual … read more.

UUFM 4/15/2018 Sunday Service Canceled

Because of the blizzard conditions today and the forecast for more of the same through out the night, we have made the decision to cancel the Sunday service and other activities tomorrow morning, April 15, 2018.

Best wishes to stay dry, safe, and warm.

Wishing you a … read more.

Congregational Vote to Call a Minister

From the Board:  Congregational Vote to Call a Minister

On Sunday, April 29, immediately following the regular Sunday service, we will hold a brief Congregational Meeting to vote on calling Rita Capezzi to be our minister.  She will arrive here on Saturday, April 21, and in … read more.

Rita Capezzi’s Schedule (4/21-29)

Rita Capezzi’s Schedule (4/21-29)

Rita Capezzi, candidate for our settled minister, will be here for a week so we can get to know each other better.  We have scheduled a number of open meeting times (listed below), so as many of us as possible get to … read more.

The Care and Feeding of a New Minister


Reading:  Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince.  Selections from Ch. XXI


Reminded of the story told about Ben Franklin, leaving Independence Hall in Philadelphia just after the Convention adopted the new Constitution. A bystander asked, “What … read more.

We Have a Ministerial Candidate!!

It is with great pleasure that the Ministerial Search Committee introduces our Ministerial Candidate!!

Dr. Rita Capezzi is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Buffalo, NY and is serving in her second year as the Interim Intern Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of … read more.