Author: Linda Ganske

UUFM Board Meeting Agenda for October 18, 2017

UUFM Board Agenda October 18, 2017 6pm


6:00 Greeting and Check-In

6:10 Chalice Lighting and Board Covenant: We light our chalice to remind us of our Gratitude to be of service,
Our role in the ministry of this church, and of Our Connection to Unitarian Universalists everywhere. Let … read more.

Courageous Hospitality


Good morning, and welcome!  As Kim mentioned, I’m Tony Filipovitch and I am a member of this congregation.  In fact, although Kathy & I have officially been members since 1997, we have been Unitarian Universalists much longer.  I remember, when we … read more.

In Memory, 2017

IN MEMORY, 2017 – Tony Filipovitch

A popular trope in science fiction explores Schrodinger’s theory of multiple simultaneous universes—the “multiverse” (Blake Crouch’s Dark Matter is a particularly good recent example).  You do not have to be an astrophysicist, however, to experience the multiverse.  When anyone … read more.

Stewardship Update

“It Takes the Efforts of ALL of us ….but only about half of us have sent in our pledge forms.  Please make a special effort to remember to do so this week.   It’s the only way we’ll know whether our income will cover our plans … read more.

September – In-gathering

In-gathering Sunday is the Sunday after Labor Day                           

Rite of Homecoming
Teacher Dedication

This Sunday is the kick-off of the new program year and the beginning of formal Children’s Lifespan Faith Development classes after summer activities. People are back to a regular rhythm in their lives … read more.

Worship Team

It is the mission of the Worship Committee to collaborate with the minister, other professional staff, and the congregation to support trans-formative worship which connects to the sacred, creates community, fosters faith development and inspires action in keeping with our Principles and Sources.

Music Responsibilities:

Subcommittee chooses … read more.