Author: Linda Ganske

November 18, 2020 Minister’s Message

I subscribe to a newsletter from Unitarian Universalist minister, the Rev. Catherine Clarenbach, which she calls “The Way of the River: A Digital Love Letter.” And it is a love letter, a missive calling for love, reminding of love, offering love. This month, I opened … read more.

Partnership Yields Fun and Results at UUFM

President’s Letter
Partnership Yields Fun and Results at UUFM

Pandemic times mandate creativity, innovation and constant experimentation at UUFM.  For nine months our staff, board, committees and teams have been hard at work striving to function effectively in new ways.  The challenge is not just to COPE … read more.

November 11, 2020 Minister’s Message

Minister’s Message

November is the month of healing, and within this frame it would seem entirely sensible to imagine open wounds that become closed scars. That might work in our bodies much of the time. It is not so clear that wounds heal into scars within … read more.

Calling for all Bread Bakers and other Helpers

Healing through Companionship—Celebrating Bread Communion.

On November 22, the Sunday before Thanksgiving, we honor a long-standing tradition conceived in new ways for our strangely distanced times. The Worship and CFD Teams, along the Hospitality and Luncheon Teams, are organizing a drive-up event at the Fellowship on … read more.