Author: Melissa Martensen

November 17, 2021 Minister’s Message

The Thanksgiving holiday has long been my favorite. Early on, as extended family expected attendance on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Thanksgiving became a day to make our own. For many years, our table overflowed with friends and chosen family, with children’s friends and sometimes … read more.


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November 10, 2021 Minister’s Message

On June 3, 2021, Michelle Norris wrote an opinion piece for The Washington Post, “Germany faced its horrible past. Can we do the same?” In it, she says,

“Amnesia gets in the way of atonement in America. But amnesia is actually too benign a word because … read more.

Board President’s Message 11.10.21

There is light at the end of the tunnel as we continue our march toward in-person Sunday Services. We’re not there yet, and we will not fully reopen until COVID infection rates drop significantly, but we are planning to allow for limited attendance under certain … read more.

CFD Director’s Corner 11.03.21

“Memory invites us to maintain our grip on the past, but it also calls us to pay attention to who we are in the present. Memory’s question is not just “Do you remember?” but “How do you want to be remembered?”
– Rev. … read more.

2nd Collection for November 2021

Greater Mankato Diversity Council


The November 2021 Second Collection is for the Greater Mankato Diversity Council (GMDC).

The GMDC was established in 2004 as a non-profit organization to enhance the Mankato area’s commitment to creating an inclusive and welcoming community through diversity education.  Its mission is to … read more.

November 3, 2021 Minister’s Message

Sometimes, forgetting seems a lot easier to do than remembering. Forgetting seems somehow inevitable. My brain is full from too many thoughts and too much information after so many decades of life. Forgetting is just part of the aging processes. Some things I just don’t … read more.

October 27, 2021 Minister’s Message

“I love myself when I am laughing. And then again when I am looking mean and impressive.” This quotation come from African American and Harlem Renaissance writer Zora Neale Hurston. I copied it onto a piece of paper in 1985, when I first taught her … read more.