Author: Shelly Storm

March 1, 2023 Minister’s Message

Dear Ones,

Our Soul Matters theme for the month of March is “Vulnerability.” Unitarian Universalist minister Rev. Emilie Boggis writes that, “It is an act of resistance in our culture to say: everyone needs care at different points in their life and everyone provides care to … read more.

CFD Director’s Message 3.1.23

“We often think that vulnerability is a kind of weakness, but there’s a kind of vulnerability that is actually strength and presence.” — Ram Dass

This monthly theme may seem like a tougher one to dig into than love, but I am … read more.

February 22, 2023 Minister’s Message

Dear Ones,

After 38+ years, the UUA has embarked on a revision of Article II of our denominational Bylaws and Rules. This is the section of our governing documents that defines our Principles, Sources, and Purposes. These were never meant to go so many years unrevised, … read more.

CFD Director’s Message 2.22.23

“The only obsession everyone wants: ‘love.’ People think that in falling in love they make themselves whole? The Platonic union of souls? I think otherwise. I think you’re whole before you begin. And the love fractures you. You’re whole, and then you’re cracked open.” Philip … read more.

CFD Director’s Message 2.15.23

“…Those stones giving extra gravity to your heart?
Lay them down in the Great River of Grief.
It flows forever.
It softens everything.

And while you’re still here
Don’t miss the miracles.

Let your heart be a leaping dolphin.
At least sometimes.

Let it be an opening rose.
… read more.

February 15, 2023 Minister’s Message

Dear Ones,

The heart you see here was created by the Rev. Dan Schatz on the Unitarian Congregation of West Chester (PA). He entered all the song words from the gray hymnal, Singing the Living Tradition, into a word generator, and this is the image that … read more.

February 8, 2023 Minister’s Message

Dear Ones,

It is good to be back in Mankato, though, I cannot lie, San Diego was delightful. Warm weather, sunsets into the ocean, good friends, and time to reflect. Such Study Leave sustains me, and I know what a privilege it is. And it is … read more.

CFD Director’s Message 2.8.23

“Creation seems to come out of imperfection. It seems to come out of a striving and a frustration and this is where I think language came from. I mean, it came from our desire to transcend our isolation and have some sort of … read more.

CFD Director’s Message 2.1.23

“Cleansing and clearing are two words which suit the essence of Imbolc, as this is February, the Roman month of purification. This can be a cleansing of the self, in undertaking a good ‘detox’, or a clearing and cleansing of the home, in … read more.