Author: Shelly Storm

January 25, 2023 Minister’s Message

Starlings murmurate together, a distinct relational pattern that enables them to keep warm at night, to exchange information, to find good feeding places, to stay safe and whole. A flock of individual birds can act in concert by orienting their own movements to that of … read more.

CFD Director’s Message 1.25.23

“If we want to support each other’s inner lives, we must remember a simple truth: the human soul does not want to be fixed, it wants simply to be seen and heard. If we want to see and hear a person’s soul, there … read more.

January 18, 2023 Minister’s Message

Dear Friends,

I am intrigued by the interplay of two quotations from our monthly Soul Matters packet on “Finding Our Center. On the one hand, according to Lao Tzu, At the center of your being, you have the answer; you know who you are, and you … read more.

CFD Director’s Message 1.11.23

“We do not become writers… dancers… musicians…helpers…peacemakers. We came as such. We are. Some of us are still catching up to what we are.” Clarissa Pinkola Estes

As difficult as winter can be for some, the monthly theme of Finding our Center reminds us to return … read more.

UUFM-Micro Project

Celebrating 15 years of the UUFM-Micro Project!
A hand up, $25 dollars at a time.

In January 2008, the Social Action Committee (now Education and Justice) started the UUFM-Micro Project supporting entrepreneurs around the world through microloans.

We initially collected over $6500 with this program, and through … read more.

CFD Director’s Message 1.4.23

“…The soul is like a wild animal — tough, resilient, and yet shy. When we go crashing through the woods shouting for it to come out so we can help it, the soul will stay in hiding. But if we are willing … read more.

December 21, 2022 Minister’s Message

Dear Friends,

With Advent, Solstice, Hannukah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa, this time of year has been called the Season of Light. Light, of course, is only half the story. In our neck of the woods, this is also the season of darkness and cold, a season that … read more.